Stain Removal Supply Checklist

Roux Maison Stain Remover provides excellent results on organic stains such as blood, wine and grass, some non-organic stains such as ink, as well as greasy stains. 

  • Natural Absorbants (cornstarch, talcum powder) - To use, sprinkle over fresh grease stains. Wait 15 minutes, then use a dull-edged butter knife to gently scrape off.  Follow with Roux Maison Stain Remover.  Apply directly to stain, wait five to fifteen minutes, then flush with water and wash as directed.

  • Lemon Juice, White Vinegar, 2 to 3 Percent Hydrogen Peroxide, Ammonia - Each of these household ingredients can be used as mild natural bleaching agents.  Lemon juice, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide should be diluted with water in a 1 to 1 ratio.  Ammonia should be mixed in a ratio of 2 parts ammonia to 1 part water; do not use on wool or silk. Chlorine bleach should never be used, as it is bad for fabrics and toxic for the environment.

  • Denatured Alcohol - Effective for removing permanent marker stains.  Can be found at paint/hardware stores.  Be sure to check for fabric color-fastness before using.

  • Mineral Spirits/Eucalyptus Oil - Good for removing greasy stains, such as oil-based paint or tar.  Be sure to air out clothes after using and do not place in dryer until clothing has been thoroughly washed.

  • Glycerin - Good for removing ballpoint ink 

  • Baby Oil - Good for removing other oily stains, as it washes out of clothing

  • Mineral Oil/Petroleum Jelly - These can be used to build a "dam" around stains to contain stain treatments; however, we prefer avoiding petroleum-based products whenever possible 

  • Cheesecloth/Paper Towels

  • Cotton Swabs

  • Dull Edge Knife 

  • Eyedropper

  • Inexpensive Hairspray - Good for removing ballpoint ink stains

  • Soft Bristle Brush

  • Spray Bottle

  • Table Salt

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